0800 66 2000


Carlton Hire Group includes our Party Hire Branch Network, National Events Division and Carlton Franchise Systems Support Office.

To speak with a member of our friendly team, contact us on 0800 66 2000. Alternatively use the contact details below to get in touch directly with your local store:

Auckland Central

12 Morningside Drive, Sandringham
Auckland 1025

P: 09 8150180
E: akcentral@carltonpartyhire.co.nz

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Auckland East/South

63 Morrin Road, St Johns
Auckland 1072

P: 09 5770328
E: akeast@carltonpartyhire.co.nz

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Auckland North Shore

88 Ellice Road, Wairau Valley
Auckland 0629

P: 09 4441643
E: aknorth@carltonpartyhire.co.nz

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Auckland West

18 Te Pai Place, Henderson
Auckland 0610

P: 09 8367028
E: akwest@carltonpartyhire.co.nz

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6 King Street, Frankton
Hamilton 3204

P: 07 8474747
E: hamilton@carltonpartyhire.co.nz

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1/29 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth
New Zealand 0910

P: 09 4258682
E: warkworth@carltonpartyhire.co.nz

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10 Seaview Road, Petone
Wellington 5010

P: 04 5689732

E: wellington@carltonpartyhire.co.nz

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Carlton Franchise Systems Ltd

PO Box 59048, Mangere Bridge
Auckland 2151

E: admin@carltonpartyhire.co.nz

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